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About me

Hello I’m Denis Rendon and am located in central Texas. Over the last 12 years I have had a career in aviation and the space industry. During those 12 years was a helicopter crewchief flight instructor for the Army, a Department of the Army Civilian instructor training reserve units, after that contracted over seas working as a flight engineer and flight instructor for 3 years training the Afghan Airforce and special mission wing units. Most recently I was with Firefly Aerospace’s integration team building the Alpha rocket. I am excited about this new chapter and career and cant wait to see where it takes me.

Growth mindset

  1. Have a willingness to learn and make mistakes along the way.
  2. Being able to accept that and still grow creates many more oppertunites in life vs having a fixed mindset and being afraid to get out of your confort box.

Reminders to myself to keep a growth mindset

  1. Show up, participate, ask questions
  2. Try to help others
  3. Ask questions, research and dont be afraid to be wrong


