Reading 301-03

Readings: Node.JS

Node Intro

  1. What is node.js?
    • JS runtime built on Chromes V8 JS engine
  2. In your own words, what is Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine?
    • Its a google performance based engine that runs all chromium-based browsers
  3. What does it mean that node is a JavaScript runtime?
    • An enhanced version with liraties and file systems build in
  4. What is npm?
    • Software registry
  5. What version of node are you running on your machine?
    • v17.9.0
  6. What version of npm are you running on your machine?
    • 8.5.5node
  7. What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’?
    • install -g jsint
  8. What is node used for?
    • various build tools

Pair Programming

  1. What are the 6 reasons for pair programming?
    • Greater Efficiency
    • Engaged Collaboration
    • Learning from fellow students
    • Social Skills
    • Job Interview readiness
    • Work env readiness
  2. In your experience, which of these reasons have you found most beneficial?
    • Learning from fellow students has always been a great help for me, seeing other ways to do things or hearing a different thought method helps me learn and grow.
  3. How does pair programming work?
    • There are two roles, one being a Driver and othe other being a navigator, then switching later on. Each gets time to expain and tell the other how and what to type. So it gives you the ability to verbally explain what youre doing and why

Things I want to learn more about

  • Pair programming is something I want to keep using, I already have been doing this with a fellow student to help learn and grow.