Reading 01 HTML

  • Introduction (pp.2-11)
  • HTML Chapter 1: “Structure” (pp.12-39)
  • HTML Chapter 8: “Extra Markup” (p.176-199)
  • HTML Chapter 17: “HTML5 Layout” (pp.428-451)
  • HTML Chapter 18: “Process & Design” (pp.452-475)


  1. HTML pages are text docs, use tags, to give the info they surrond meaning. P tag for paragraph, h1 header 1, body main etc
  2. tags often are reffered to as elements, and have an opener and close tag for most

Extra Makeup

  1. targets id, . targets class

  2. // creates comments
  3. iframes cut windows into your web pages to where other pages can be displayed


  1. To make html5 work in IE8 and older versions etra JS is needed
  2. these new elemenrs provide clearer code
  3. HTML5s new elements indicate the purpose of parts of a web pages

Process & Design

  1. site maps allow you to plan the Structure
  2. creating wireframes allows ou ro plan and organize
  3. Chaning color, text, size and sytle you can differentiate between pices of info

Things I want to learn more about

  1. The setup and layout part seems pretty straingt forward, I like wireframing and whiteboarding to creat some idea of what I want to do and also lets you come up with ideas on the fly because you have basically a sketch pad.

Java Script & Jquery, Jon Duckett