My learning journal for Code Fellows
Reading 05 Images, color, text
- Chapter 5: “Images” (pp.94-125)
- Chapter 11: “Color” (pp.246-263)
- Chapter 12: “Text” (pp.264-299)
- img tag lets you add images to your page
- must use src to source your image, alt is used to describe your imgage, like a tag
- Sizing the images you want to use on your webpage before applying them
- color can create a mood and helps make your page pop
- color pickers help
- CSS# hascolors to indicate opacity
- multiple ways to envoke colors
- size, font, style, spacing and weight are in reguards to font
- Limted choices because you want to have what everyone has installed
- space between lines of text, letters and words are able to be controlled
Things I want to learn more about
- I have been watching some youtube CSS videos to get better and create a plan for the final project and have fond some tricks to do with color that I plan to deploy. I never tried to change the size of the image first prior to loading it to the page, will for sure save some time.
Java Script & Jquery, Jon Duckett