Reading 09 Forms and Events

  • HTML Forms 144 - 175 / Lists tables Forms 330 - 357
  • JS Events 243-292
  1. forms live in a form> element
  2. Info from a form is sent in name/value pairs
  3. Each form control is given a name and the text users type in or values of the options they select are sent to the serer
  4. HTML5 introduces new form elements which make it easier to have fourms filled out by visitors.
  5. There is CSS that are specifically used to control the appearance of lists, tables and fourms
  6. List markers can have different appearances using list-style-type and list-style-image props
  7. Table cells can have different boarders and spacing in multiple browers. there are properties you can use to control them and make them more consistent.
  8. Vertially alligned CSS forms are easier to use
  9. More interactive forms using styles


  1. Events are the browsers way of indicating when somthing has happened.
  2. Binding the process of stating which event you are waiting to happen and which element you are waiting for that event to happen
  3. When an event occues on an element it can trigger a JS function. When this function changes the Webpage it feels interactive
  4. You can use event delegation to monitor for events to happen on all of the children of an element
  5. The most commonly used events are W3C DOM evets. There are others in the HTML5 specs along with browser specific events.

Java Script & Jquery, Jon Duckett